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Accredation Press
August 3, 2000
Plans Underway for Sneak Peak 2 - Hopewell Rock
Experiment: BetaVersion
Fredericton - Just under one hundred people came
to see an excellent show on Saturday, July
29. The afternoon show with locals Highly
Chaotic and Vetch and out-of-towners Oh Susanna
and Julie Doiron was sweet, soulful, and highly
intimate. The evening show was a high-energy
rockin' show with local Strange Brew, Ontario's
Chore, and Moncton's Los Boleros and Elevator.
Demo 1.01 was the first show Elevator has done in
Fredericton in over year, and the fans were not
Festival Manager Melissa Kaestner remains
hopeful. "Quite frankly, I'm very happy with
Demo 1.01. Everything ran smoothly across
both venues, we were able to have an all-ages
event while still giving access to a licensed
establishment, and the music was world-class. Our
focus now is on getting local businesses involved
in supporting the festival. So far, CHSR-FM
and the City of Fredericton have been extremely
Hopewell Rock Experiment: Beta Version is still
in the works, but a tentative date has been set
for Saturday, September 23. There will be two
shows once again - an all ages show in the
afternoon at Memorial Hall and an evening show at
The Cellar. Bands will be announced at a later
date, but for now we are looking at headlining
acts Los Boleros and Fur Packed Action.
These shows are promotional fundraising shows for
the upcoming Hopewell Rock Experiment at the
Student Union Building October 13-15. The
festival is a presentation of Friends and Favours
Productions, a not-for-profit collective of local
industry professionals and volunteers dedicated
to establishing and promoting the local music
scene. Among the invited bands: 4-Star Movie,
283, Addiction Seekers, Aerial Love Feed,
Arlibido, Art Bergman, Bionic, Birds of Passage,
Blurtonia, Laura Borealis, Dan Bryk, Chinos,
Chore, Datsons, The Dears, Julie Doiron,
Elevator, Even, Feint, Christine Fellows,
Flashing Lights, Fly Jimmy Swift, Fu Manchu, Fur
Packed Action, Gruesomes, Highly Chaotic,
J. Davis Trio, Liquified, Litebrite, Los Boleros,
Carolyn Mark, Mean Red Spiders, Melligrove
Band, Moon Socket, Morahambi, Nashville
Pussy, Nectar, Neuseiland, North of America, Oh
Susanna, Pinback, Joe Pernice, Peter Parkers, The
Plan, Planet Smashers, Joel Plaskett and the
Emergency Band, Psycho Billy, Purple Knight,
Rhume, Rick of the Skins, Rosebuddy, The Rude
Mechanicals, Sadies, the Salteens, Seppuku,
Sinclaire, Dusty Sorbet, Steaming Toolie, Strange
Brew, Strawberry, Tricky Woo, Tristian Psionic,
Testone Channel, Two Minute Miracle, Vetch,
Wailing Sounds, The Weekend, Weights and
Measures, and Hank Williams III. And the
labels: Endearing, Grenadine, Kelp, Mag Wheel,
Matlock, Mint, No Records, Perimeter, Sappy,
Sonic Unyon, Stomp, Tidemark, Teenage USA, and
Updated information on all Hopewell Rock
Experiment events are
available at http://hopewellrock.tripod.com
For more information, contact Melissa at (506)
452-6054, Peter at
(506) 446-9320 or e-mail meecavegirl@yahoo.com
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